Today marked two months since I began my floral design apprenticeship. I spent it at the MatchBox CoWorking Studio in the Media Studio editing a video of my mentor. She was demonstrating the Ukraine Peace Bouquet project that we have been collaborating on. Yesterday James, the Makerspace manager did my official Makerspace orientation. Then he showed me the Media Studio and walked through working with Adobe Rush to edit videos. I spent a couple hours getting a feel of it and began the challenge I had been presented with. Edit the video and get it from 42 minutes to less than 30. Before 5pm Tuesday March 8.
I woke up at 5 am on my own this morning, excited for my challenge and opportunity to work on a skill I have wanted to learn. When I arrived at MatchBOX around 6:30 this morning, I was greeted by an empty building and a blank chalkboard. My reservation for the Media Studio wasnt until 7, so I decided to take a little time and work on writing on a chalkboard. That's another skill I need to work on, as there is a chalkboard in front of the flower shop and my lettering skills need some improvement. After I finished my message on the chalkboard, I fixed my morning coffee and protein shake combo and went to work on editing. It took me all day but I did it. It wasn't as pretty as I would have liked. I was just relieved that I got it cut down to less than 30 minutes two hours before the deadlline. I drove home so damn proud of myself. Look at me, being creative for a living.
Here are some flowers for your enjoyment. I apologize in advance for the cheezy music. I suggest hitting mute.
Pretty damn fancy eh?
Love Life.
Be Art.
Rock on Jenn! Great job on video editing! Adobe makes me want to cry but then it creates something